笃行谋远 Steady Progress towards the Future 作为黑石(Blackstone)房地产基金持有和管理的多元资产管理平台,龙地始终秉承其在可持续发展领域的卓越实践。自2022年发布首个可持续发展路线图及首份环境、社会及管治报告以来,如何通过负责任管理以持续构建可持续业态,回报投资者并造福社会一直是我们的核心思考。今日,龙地发布2023年环境、社会及管治报告,以“ 从蓝图到实践:持续构建可持续业态 ”为主题,为您呈现我们在2023财年于可持续发展领域的答卷。 As a multi-asset class management company in China owned and managed by Blackstone’s Real Estate funds, DragonCor has always adopting and pioneering industry-leading sustainable practices. Since releasing our first sustainability roadmap and ESG Report in 2022, our core focuses have been consistently on advancing sustainable operations through responsible management, benefiting