1 写在前面 第十九期写作精品课 写作课共四位老师 全部雅思 8+ 且单项写作 7.5+ 雅思、学术英语写作,不知如何下笔如有神? 写作精品课带你谋篇布局 带你预习 - 精读 - 写作 - 答疑 从输入到输出写出高质量英语作文 点击下图,即可了解写作课详情! 2 精读|翻译|词组 本文译文将于下周五(0614)进行推送 本文译文将于下周五(0614 )进行推送 Business | Bartleby Is it better to be an early bird or a night owl? The promise and perils of waking before sunrise A man in a suit lies sleeping on top of a large letter “Z.” Another man is dashing off and appears to be whistling Rare is the chief executive who extols the virtues of a lie-in. Tim Cook, boss of Apple, maker of the iPhone, wakes between 4am and 5am. So does Bob Iger, his counterpart at Disney, a media giant. According to one survey, two-thirds of the chief executives of large American companies are up by 6 o