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PeopleDaily  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-23 17:28


“冰立方” 据北京市重大项目办消息,国家游泳中心“水立方”已顺利完成第二次“水冰转换”,变身“冰立方”。12月21日,全新冰面正式亮相,场馆开始试运行,第二期“全民冬奥冰壶体验项目”同时启动。 Photo shows the curling field with four standard tracks at the National Aquatics Center in Beijing. (Photo/Xinhua) The National Aquatics Center, known as the “Water Cube,” has been converted to the “Ice Cube” and began trial operation on Dec. 21, 2020, according to the Beijing Major Projects Construction Headquarters Office. More than 800 junior high school students came to the curling venue for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games on Dec. 21 to experience curling on four standard tracks. 来自北京市第二中学分校的800余名初中生走上 冰壶场地 ,成为第一批冰壶运动 ………………………………

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