创立于2015年的理想汽车,是一个豪华智能电动车品牌,以创造移动的家,创造幸福的家为使命。基于2021年品牌新使命,理想汽车邀请UNFOLDESIGN聿几空间,从苏州大悦春风里-理想体验店出发,打造展厅的全新空间视觉,尝试构建一个家庭场景式的沉浸空间,一个有温度的展示环境。 Founded in 2015, Ideal Automobile is a luxury intelligent electric vehicle brand with the mission of creating mobile homes and happy homes. Based on the new mission of the brand in 2021, Ideal Automobile invites UnfoldESIGN Yuji Space to create a brand new visual space for the exhibition hall, starting from Suzhou Dayue Chunfeng Li - Ideal Experience Store, attempting to build a family scene style immersive space and a warm display environment. 理想汽车形象升级首店,苏州 Li Auto Inc. Showroom, Suzhou - - - UNFOLDESIGN聿几空间围绕“温暖”,“家”,“科技”和“理想”几个核心元