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工商管理 | SCI期刊专刊截稿信息8条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-01 10:53


工商管理 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics Luigi Pasinetti and Structural Economic Dynamics 全文截稿: 2024-09-30 影响因子: 2.023 CCF分类: 无 中科院JCR分区: 网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/structural-change-and-economic-dynamics/ Context and motivation The theory of Structural Economic Dynamics (SED) developed by Luigi Pasinetti (1963, 1965, 1981, 1988, 1993) is a seminal contribution to the analysis of structural change. It provides a framework to study economies whose sectors grow at different rates, and the requirements for the pursuit of macroeconomic objectives such as full employment and full utilization of productive capacity. Pasinetti’s SED theorizes quantities and prices on the basis of production requirements rather than scarcity, thus establishing a clear distinction between the approaches to economic analysis that prioritize production and those which foreground exchange (Pasinetti, 1986; Bortis, 2000). It also provides conceptual too ………………………………

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