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DINZ德网 | Direccion · 林中之屋

德国室内设计网  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-07 16:57


林中之屋是对森林中的一座家庭度假屋的改造翻新项目,该项目位于墨西哥的Bravo山谷。 Casa en el Bosque is a remodeling project of a family weekend house in the woods in Valle de Bravo, Mexico. 客户拥有的这座小屋已经有35年的历史。 为祖父母,孙子孙女们和小狗,提供周末和假期的相聚场所。 在这里,这家人重新与自然相连,和彼此共度美好时光,一起烹饪,放松,滋养彼此。 The client is family who has owned this house for 35 years. From grandparents to grandchildren and dogs, this is a gathering point in the weekends and vacations. A place where the family goes to reconnect with nature, spend quality time with each other, cook, relax and nourish each other. 设计的主要挑战是要保留小屋和家庭的特质: 简约,和谐和数年的珍贵回忆。 The key challenge was to preserve the identity of the house and the family: simplicity, harmony and years of cherished memories. ………………………………

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