专栏名称: Cs Bar
DJ音乐涂鸦特色地下酒吧 长宁区定西路685号地下1层 周日至周四19:30PM—3:00AM;周五周六19:00PM—5:00AM/B1.685DingXi RD(Near FaHuaZhen RD ) /TEL:13795241780
今天看啥  ›  专栏  ›  Cs Bar

10月19日 周六 | RIDDIM'N'VIBE [Drum & Bass]

Cs Bar  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-16 10:30


Swipe left for English 准备好迎接一个电力十足的Drum and Bass之夜吧!RnV团队、Resinate和1199将携手与一流阵容一起呈现精彩演出!特邀嘉宾Gouachi、Red Angel和DJ XJF将参加此次活动。期待一个充满震撼节拍、重低音与纯粹能量的狂欢夜。不论你是资深的鼓打贝斯爱好者,还是新入圈的乐迷,这是你尽情沉浸在律动、舞蹈和氛围中的绝佳机会。 Get ready for an electrifying night of Drum and Bass as the RnV crew, Resinate, and 1199 assemble alongside a stellar lineup! Special guests Gouachi, Red Angel, and DJ XJF are on board for this one. Expect a night packed with pounding beats, heavy sub-lows, and pure energy. Whether you're a seasoned junglist or new to the scene, this is your chance to lose yourself in the riddim, dance, and vibe with the best. RESINATE 作为一个极具天赋的卓越DJ、drum & bass的骨灰级发烧友和音乐人,Resinate把来自世界各个角落dnb 频谱的 ………………………………

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