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LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-22 20:30


近日,芒果TV婚姻纪实观察节目《再见爱人4》开播。明星夫妻黄圣依和 杨子 的婚姻状态引发热议。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. What was the primary motivation behind John Gottman and James Murray's collaboration nearly 30 years ago? A. To develop a new psychological therapy for couples. B. To create a mathematical model to predict divorce rates. C. To explore the factors contributing to marital happiness and misery. D. To study the biological processes underlying human emotions. 无注释 原文: The Math Behind Successful Relationships From: The Wall Street Journal Nearly 30 years ago, a mathematician and a psychologist teamed up to explore one of life's enduring mysteries: What makes some marriages happy and some miserable? The psychologist, John Gottman, wanted to craft a tool to help him better counsel troubled couples. The mathematician, James Murray, specialized in modeling biological processes. It was a match made in heav ………………………………

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