3 长 按 扫码领取 1-792期晨读完整版 PDF电子讲义 扫 码 (长按 扫码领取本期晨读PDF ) 晨读音频 文本导读 英国《独立报》报道,当地时间14日,凯特王妃在温网男单决赛前抵达现场,这是她自公布患癌症以来第二次公开露面。 Princess Charlotte, 9, wears cute polka dot dress to Wimbledon with mom Kate Middleton 9岁的夏洛特公主身着可爱的波点连衣裙与母亲凯特·米德尔顿一起现身温布尔登 (图源网络,侵删) Princess Charlotte looked radiant as she attended the men’s singles final at the Wimbledon tennis championships on Sunday alongside her mother, Kate Middleton. 夏洛特公主在周日与母亲凯特·米德尔顿一同出席温布尔登网球锦标赛的男子单打决赛时显得容光焕发。 The 9-year-old princess rocked a navy blue-and-white polka dot dress that featured a tie at the waistline and ruffles on the sleeves and hemline. She paired th