Hogwarts Harry Potter 活动总结 《哈利·波特》 “三强争霸赛” 活动圆满落幕 2024年10月27日晚,北师英协英语角本学期第一次活动 《哈利·波特》“三强争霸赛 ” 于艺术楼501顺利举办。在魁地奇魔法传球、魔咒体验课、驱逐博格特、魔药调配以及食死徒搜寻的惊险刺激之下,同学们不仅领略了魔法世界的奇妙与神秘,还收获了一段充满黄油啤酒香气的回忆。下面让我们一起搭上九又四分之三站台的列车,一起来回忆这次活动吧! On the evening of October 27, 2024, the first activity of this term for the English Corner, themed “Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament” , was successfully held. From the thrill of Quidditch, to charms class, banishing Boggarts, potion mixing, and the search for Death Eaters, participants not only felt the mystery of the wizarding world but also gained a memory filled with the aroma of butterbeer. Now let's recall this m