© 钟永钢 “晚上比白天更有活力,闪烁的星星,地面的灯光,是美与安详的作品。”梵高如是说。 "At night, there is more vitality than during the day. The twinkling stars and the lighting on the ground are works of beauty and tranquility," said Van Gogh. 光与色集合成的梦境 | 天悦KTV Dream of light and color combination I Tianyue KTV - - - 在这个光与色交织成梦幻般景象的时空之中,设计师徐麟以超前的视角重新审视娱乐空间,将美学与理念的转变融入其中。他将焦点从传统的展陈框架转移到光的路径体验上,让光与影相互交织,以神秘的方式引导人们展开感官探索的旅程,构建出引人入胜的沉浸式感官体验。 In this time and space where light and color interweave into a dreamlike scene, designer Xu Lin re examines the entertainment space from a forward-looking perspective, integrating the transformation of aesthetics and concepts into it. He s