在2024年8月10日的《经济学人》中,有一篇文章讨论了中国的消费降级现象。文章开头引用了蜜雪冰城的标语“出生寒门,还是怕热”(Even those born poor fear the heat),以此引出话题,讨论了蜜雪冰城这个主打低价的消费品牌在中国的广受欢迎。接下来,文章分析了中国人消费降级的主要表现。我为大家梳理了其中的要点,全文及音频已附在文章底部。 一 中国消费降级现象体现在三个方面,第一方面是在餐饮行业中,高端餐饮倒闭,廉价餐饮兴起。 One food-industry author has tracked high-end eateries going out of business in Beijing. These include a Michelin-starred restaurant from Umberto Bombana, an Italian chef. Others have noted the rise of bargains. A blogger counted over 5,000 new restaurants that offer buffet-style deals. Such restaurants, writes another blogger, show “involution”—intense, self-harming competition—taking hold.