东方甄选在港交所发布公告,董宇辉已决定不再担任公司雇员及公司一个合并联属实体的高级管理层,该离任乃由于董宇辉的职业抱负、对彼其他事业的投入及个人时间安排,并于2024年7月25日生效。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. What was a significant factor in Dong Yuhui's rise to fame during his livestreams on Douyin? A) His eight years of teaching experience B) His ability to offer large discounts on products C) His partnerships with international brands D) His humorous approach to selling products 2. What significant achievement marked the launch of Yuhui's own channel ‘Walking with Hui’? A) A partnership with international brands. B) Over 100 million RMB in product sales during the first livestream. C) The introduction of a new product line. D) Winning an award for best educational content. 无 注释 原文: An ELT phenomenon – who is Dong Yuhui? From: The PIE News This is the story