小寒,二十四节气中的第二十三个节气,意味着开始进入一年中最寒冷的时期。寒风凛冽刺骨 。 梅花 悄然吐蕾绽放,在冰雪中傲然屹立。夜幕降临,星辰闪烁,月光皎洁,小寒的夜空下,万物沉睡,静待春的唤醒。 Minor Cold, the twenty-third of the 24 solar terms, marks the approach of the coldest period of the year. The cold wind chills to the bone. Plum blossoms quietly bud and bloom, standing proudly amid the snow and ice. As night falls, stars twinkle and the moon shines brightly. Under the cold night sky of Minor Cold, all things sleep, waiting silently for the awakening of spring. 图源:视觉中国 寒风中,节日的气息悄然弥漫。人们忙着置办年货,写春联、挂窗花、张贴年画、买鞭炮等,迎接即将到来的春节,满怀对新的一年的憧憬和家人团聚的期盼。 In the cold wind, the festive atmosphere quiet