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China丨Eye surgeries gain popularity among young

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-08-15 10:40


本文报道了关于近视手术在中国年轻人中的流行趋势,特别是激光眼科手术和人工晶状体植入手术。文中以Li Tianyi的经历为例,讲述了近视手术带来的便利和存在的风险。文章还指出中国青少年近视率的问题,以及手术患者年龄和目的的变化趋势。


关键观点1: Li Tianyi的近视手术体验和对生活的影响

Li Tianyi接受了人工晶状体植入手术,对手术结果表示满意。手术解决了戴眼镜带来的不便,没有出现干眼或其他并发症,但也意识到有复发的风险。

关键观点2: 中国年轻人近视手术的流行趋势


关键观点3: 近视手术的类型和接受度


关键观点4: 专家对近视手术的看法和建议



Li Tianyi, who had artificial lenses implanted in her eyes to treat myopia in the winter of 2022, said she is satisfied with the outcome of the surgery so far.    "In the past, my glasses kept getting in the way when I worked out," the 22-year-old said.    "They would also fog up with a mask and smudge my makeup. The procedure has erased these hassles in my life, and I do not have dry eyes or other complications."    But Li is also keenly aware of the risk of a relapse.    "I notice my eyesight getting a bit blurry if I work in front of a computer for long hours," she said.    A growing number of young Chinese adults like Li have opted to undergo surgical procedures to correct their vision. This summer, hospitals are registering a spike in the number of such operations.    Zhang Qingsong, director of the refractive surgery center at the Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital in Wuhan, Hubei province, said it carried out around 2,000 refractive operations a month in June and July, double t ………………………………

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