狂欢钜惠 立即开抢 沪江双11特惠现已开启,即日起报名 全额奖学金班, 学完100%返 。长按上方二维码识别,咨询可领取更多福利优惠! 自2019年, 安吉丽娜·朱莉 与 布拉德·皮特 在法律上正式结束婚姻关系,两位好莱坞巨星的感情走向颇受外界关注。 近日,外媒报道了一个大瓜,朱莉和绯闻男友在伦敦酒店套房度过了两个晚上。而这位绯闻男友,比她小9岁,是英国说唱歌手 阿卡拉 (Akala)! Angelina Jolie has been spending some cozy nights with her rumored boyfriend, British rapper and political activist Akala, it has been claimed. 据称,安吉丽娜·朱莉与她的绯闻男友、英国说唱歌手兼政治活动家阿卡拉共度了几晚温馨时光。 On Monday it was alleged that the Oscar-winning beauty, 49, had the artists, 40, stay at her London hotel, The Corinthia, for two nights in a row, according to The Sun. 根据《太阳报》的周