专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-07-29 14:36


如果我们的眼光 总是集中在困难 挫折烦恼和痛苦上, 那么我们的心灵 就会被一种渗透性的 消极因素所左右。 我们要善于在 黑暗中看到光明, 在似乎无望的生活中, 看到希望的阳光。 把困境带来的压力 升华为一种力量, 引向对己对人 都有利的方向。 在获得人生 成功的同时, 我们要积极地 获取心理的平衡, 收获心灵的幸福。 --- 加措活佛 If our vision is focused on difficulties, setbacks, frustrations and suffering, then our minds will be permeated with negativity. We need to see the light in the midst of darkness; see the light of hope when hope is almost gone from life. We need to turn the stress from difficult circumstances into a kind of strength and to leading the strength towards the direction that is favorable to ourselves as well as to others. While achieving success in life, we should try to have a positive and balanced mindset and to gain happiness in our sou ………………………………

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