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印际 x Leeton Pointon新作 | 日常映照

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-09 17:02


Leeton Pointon Architects 是澳大利亚一家设计工作室,由设计师 Michael Leeton 成立于墨尔本,旨在追求卓越的设计出品和探索建筑的潜力。无论是乡村、海滩度假区或城市,工作室都会根据客户的实际需求、预算,再结合场地条件因地制宜,为他们打造量身定制的住宅环境,构建一种现代极简主义般的诗意浪漫。 Leeton Pointon Architects is an Australian design studio founded in Melbourne by designer Michael Leeton to pursue excellence in design production and explore the potential of architecture. Whether rural, beach resort or urban, the studio will be tailored to the client's actual needs, budget, combined with site conditions, to create a tailored residential environment for them, creating a modern minimalist poetic romance. Luna House 柔和与宁静 ━ Luna 住宅位于墨尔本东南部郊区一片绿荫之地,以有机的和雕塑般的形式吸引着人们的视线,同时还有着 ………………………………

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