专栏名称: 爱可可-爱生活
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几篇论文实现代码:《IIANet: An Intra- and -20240819221753

爱可可-爱生活  · 微博  · AI  · 2024-08-19 22:17


2024-08-19 22:17 本条微博链接 几篇论文实现代码: 《IIANet: An Intra- and Inter-Modality Attention Network for Audio-Visual Speech Separation》(ICML 2024) GitHub: github.com/JusperLee/IIANet 《GOReloc: Graph-based Object-Level Relocalization for Visual SLAM》(2024) GitHub: github.com/yutongwangBIT/GOReloc [fig1] 《HawkEye: Training Video-Text LLMs for Grounding Text in Videos》(2024) GitHub: github.com/yellow-binary-tree/HawkEye [fig2] 《Towards Cross-Tokenizer Distillation: the Universal Logit Distillation Loss for LLMs》(2024) Git ………………………………

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