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上海科技  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-30 23:13


2024年5月30日上午,“浦江创新论坛——2024科技创新智库国际研讨会”在上海开幕。会上,上海市科学学研究所联合参会嘉宾共同发布了《科学学上海倡议》, 伦敦大学学院James Wilsdon教授代表全体签署人宣读了倡议, 旨在推动科学学的与时俱进、咨政益世和合作共享。以下是宣言全文。 Shanghai Declaration  on Science of Science Our world is at a crucial moment for the Science of Science. In recent years, Science of Science has gained renewed governmental attention, leading to specialized funding programs, numerous forums and conferences, as well as new institutions, focused on Science of Science research. The Science of Science is a discipline about science (tech & science). It is dedicated to exploring the developmental laws of science and scientific activities, thereby facilitating the formulation of science and technology policies, improving research management, and fostering the harmon ………………………………

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