专栏名称: V保险
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V保险  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2024-06-21 06:43


“ 公司决定,自6月30日起全系统 停售全部3.0%的增额终身寿险 ” ( Important notice: The company has decided to discontinue the sales of all 3.0% increased life-long insurance across the system since June 30th.) “即6月30日0时之后的投保申请 不予录入 ” ( "Insurance applications submitted after 00:00 on June 30th will not be recorded.") “停售的产品,是彻底停售, 7月1日起将上市2.75%的 增额终身寿险 ” ( It is a complete cessation of sales. Starting from July 1st, the 2.75% increased life-long insurance will be launched.) 近日,多家保险公司员工群里下发了一系列产品更换通知,引发关注! 已有多家权威媒体在近日连续发文: 部分保险公司为符合风险管控要求, 将于6月30日正式停售3.0%的增额终身寿险,并将于7月1日上市预定利率2.75%的增额终身寿险, 并且新产品已经报备成功。 (  Insurance Goes with Me throughout Life has ………………………………

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