专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-06-27 12:02


人间最 珍贵的是什么? 是善良。   善良的人总是在 播种阳光和雨露, 抚慰人们心灵的创伤。   善良的人总是以 他人之乐为乐, 乐于施与, 帮助人们走出困境。   善良的人总是 与人为善, 乐于友好相处 带给人们和谐欢喜。   善良是 一种智慧, 一种自信, 一种精神, 一种平和, 一种文化, 一种快乐。 让善良与生命同在。   --- 加措活佛 Many people are painstakingly pursuing the so-called "happiness"; some find it, but must pay a great price for it. The wise say that happiness is like a kind of feeling, just like that of the `Buddha` in our hearts. The feeling of happiness decreases as satisfaction lessens; it is related to one's attitude and state of mind. The harder you tried to have happiness; the deeper your affection to it. When we are blessed with happiness, we should remind us of the hardship we have been through. A person's inability to truly feel happiness is ………………………………

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