Prime Minister Narendra Modi told his hosts in Kyiv on Friday, one month after his visit to Moscow, he was committed to playing a personal role in trying to mediate in the over-2-year-old conflict between Ukraine and Russia, urging both sides "to sit together and look for ways to come out of this crisis". However, before and during his meeting with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on the same day, Indian Minister of Defense Rajnath Singh showed the Modi government is ready to take advantage of the United States for its own narrow ends at the cost of rising tensions in its neighborhood. Speaking to a gathering of Indian-Americans in Washington on Thursday during his four-day visit to the United States, Singh spoke of India's commitment to strengthening its strategic partnership with the US, while warning New Delhi's neighbors about the emergence of a more assertive nation. "Previously, some of our neighbors thought they could trouble India at will, but India is no longer weak. We ar