专栏名称: Sky的安全观
【1】信息安全管理知识体系的构建和传播 【2】ISO/IEC 27001 信息安全管理体系学习
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【前10篇免费】ISO/IEC 20000-1: 2018 标准详解与实施(35)8.5.2 服务设计和转换

Sky的安全观  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-02 22:49


点击上方蓝色字“ Sky的安全观 ”关注我们 8 Operation of the service management system 服务管理体系的运行/8.5 Service design, build and transition 服务设计,构建和转换/8.5.2 Service design and transition 服务设计和转换 Plan new or changed services 策划新的或变更的服务 Planning shall use the service requirements for the new or changed services determined in 8.2.2 and shall include or contain a reference to: 策划应使用8.2.2中确定的新的或变更的服务的服务要求,并应包括或包含的参考: a) authorities and responsibilities for design, build and transition activities; a) 设计,构建和转换活动的职责和权限; b) activities to be performed by the organization or other parties with their timescales; b) 组织或其他相关方执行的活动及时间表; c) human, technical, information and financial resources; c) 人员,技术,信息和财务资源; d) dependencies on other se ………………………………

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