课程权益再次升级( 详见文末 ),最低到手价最后3天(原英文版2.8折)。课程永久有效,如有需要可点击报名,60天可申请退款保障👆🏻 I recently had an email exchange with a reader who, in his words, claimed to struggle with a lack of commitment. 最近,在和一位读者的邮件交流中,他表示一直为自己投入不足感到困扰。 He wanted to study machine learning, but he couldn’t get past the first few modules of the course he’s taking. After a few emails back and forth, however, I discovered the reason he “wasn’t able to commit” was simply that his full-time job and family responsibilities kept getting in the way. 他想要学习机器学习(即人工智能的一个分支),但无法通过课程的前几个模块。经过来来回回的几封邮件,我发现他“无法投入”的原因很简单,主要是受到全职工作与所要承担的家庭职责的干扰。 I don’t think this reader’s pr