专栏名称: Hydro90
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水文资讯 | 关于申请霍顿研究基金的通知(4月15日截止)

Hydro90  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-03-08 08:00


基金简介     霍顿研究基金是由Robert E. Horton 基金为促进水文研究的发展,和鼓励水文领域的年轻工作者而设立的。该基金每年颁发给至多3名来自水文,水资源,或者其他高相关领域的博士生。美国地球物理学会(AGU)在每年的秋季会议颁发给获奖者为期一年的奖金(不超过一万美元),奖金可用于承担研究费用和秋季会议的旅行费用。 申请要求 1. Be a current AGU student member. 2. Be enrolled in a doctoral program in hydrology, water resources, or a closely related field such as water resources policy science. 3. Be enrolled in your program through the duration of the award (one year from Fall Meeting where you receive the award). 4.  Meet all  submission pro posal requirements  including CV, executive summary, statement of purpose, budget, and letters of recom ………………………………

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