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China Unveils Major Stimulus, Cuts Mortgage Rates to Spur Growth

Sixth Tone  · 公众号  · 金融 科技自媒体  · 2024-09-24 19:49




关键观点1: 降低贷款利率和首付以减少购房成本


关键观点2: 影响广泛的人群


关键观点3: 多项措施同时实施以提高政策效果


关键观点4: 流动性增强和市场响应增加



The plan reduces mortgage rates by 0.5 percentage points, lowers down payments for second homes, and injects 1 trillion yuan in liquidity. China’s central bank on Tuesday unveiled its largest stimulus in years, aiming to stabilize the property market and boost consumer confidence. The plan includes cutting mortgage rates for existing homes and lowering down payment requirements for second properties, measures expected to impact millions of households across the country. Addressing a news conference in Beijing, Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People’s Bank of China, said that mortgage rates for existing homes would be cut by about 0.5 percentage points to better align with rates on new loans. “The move is expected to benefit around 50 million households, affecting roughly 150 million people, and reduce annual interest payments by an estimated 150 billion yuan ($21.3 billion), which will help boost consumption and investment,” he said. The policy change aims to address rising conc ………………………………

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