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【Economist】Waiting: Time and money

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-05-14 08:54
中文导读每个人的一天都有24小时,然而消耗在等待上的时间不尽相同。在美国,由于基础设施有限、各类申领流程复杂,穷人需要等待更长的时间才能获得基本服务。此外,种族之间也存在差异,白人可以比黑人更快得到服务。Darren Hromadka开发了一款app,用户可以付钱让别人代自己排队。付钱者白人居多,而代排队者多为少数族裔。Black Americans spend more of the day being kept waitingTIME SHOULD be a great leveller. Jeff Bezos or Amazon warehouse clerk, everyone gets 24 hours a day. But worse-off Americans have more of their time wasted just waiting around.Poorer people have to wait longer for basic services. Low-income neighbourhoods often have fewer shops and medical centres, with fewer staff on hand and crowds at their doors. The worse-off claim unemployment benefits o ………………………………

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