Human Mobility and Environmental Adaptation to Climate-Induced Disasters The special issue accepts original research and review articles addressing the complex interplay among climate-induced disasters, the environment, and human mobility. Guest editors: Dr. Alireza Ermagun , George Mason University ( aermagun@gmu.edu ) Dr. Jan-Dirk Schmöcker , Kyoto University ( schmoecker@trans.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp ) Dr. Fei Ma , Chang’an University ( mafeixa@chd.edu.cn ) Dr. Ahsan Habib , Dalhousie University ( ahsan.habib@dal.ca ) Special issue information: This special issue calls for original research and review articles to address the complex interplay among climate-induced disasters, the environment, and human mobility. The focus is on: (i) highlighting the escalating mobility risks and vulnerabilities that communities, particularly disadvantaged ones, face due to disasters; (ii) identifying solutions and strategies that can mitigate the adverse effects of disasters on mobility; and (iii)