家的归属感 700㎡艺术宅邸 灵动 惬意 舒缓 家是心灵的避难所,设计师希望业主在家中可以待久不腻,每个空间都有他独特的韵味,光洒进来就是一道独特的风景。“把所有的春天都揉进了一个清晨”,一切美好都来自于情感,设计来源于生活,来自于自然,安抚身心,予人一种归属感...... Home is the refuge of the soul, the designer hopes that the owner can stay at home for a long time without getting tired, each space has his unique flavour, the light sprinkled in is a unique landscape. ‘All the spring are rubbed into a morning’, all the beauty comes from emotion, design from life, from nature, soothe the body and mind, give people a sense of belonging ...... 谁说电视背景墙一定要“对称主义”?装饰墙大胆的运用了金色的通顶装饰壁炉,让会客厅独树一帜! Who says a TV backdrop has to be ‘symmetrical’? The decorative wall is boldly decorated wi