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億航智能: Q2收入超指引,調後淨利潤轉正,訂單持續增長

天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-16 18:41


EHang Holdings (EH US) Q2收入超指引,調後淨利潤轉正,訂單持續增長 24Q2E results takeaways: revenue surpassed guidance; adjusted net profit turnaround; orders in full flow BUY (maintain) 投資要點/Investment Thesis 投資要点/Investment Thesis 24Q2業績概覽:收入超此前指引,調後淨利潤轉正。 24Q2收入1.0億元,同比增長920%,高於公司此前指引的9000萬元;毛利率62.4%,同比增加2.2pcts;調整後淨利潤120萬元,同比轉正。經營現金流連續三季度爲正。EH216-S產品交付數量爲49架,同比/環比均實現大幅增長。 Q2E revenue surpassed company guidance; adjusted net earnings swung to profit Key metrics: EHang’s unaudited 24Q2E results had revenue at RMB100m, up 920% yoy, higher than its RMB90m guidance. Gross margin came to 62.4%, up 2.2ppt yoy, bringing adjusted net profit to RMB1.2m, a turnaround from the yoy loss. Operating cash flow remained positive for the third straight quarter as th ………………………………

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