WJID承袭千年文脉的诗意精粹,以解构的手法创造出空间延伸的美感,运用流畅的曲线、交叠的体块,重塑学府气质的空间语境,融入现代风情,交织传统与现代,觅遇古典韵调,彰显经典与新趣的碰撞,以艺术灵感演绎摩登新序。 WJID inherits the poetic essence of a millennium old cultural context, using deconstructive techniques to create a sense of spatial extension beauty. By using smooth curves and overlapping blocks, it reshapes the spatial context of the academic atmosphere, integrates modern style, interweaves tradition and modernity, seeks classical tones, highlights the collision of classics and new interests, and interprets a modern new sequence with artistic inspiration. 清风恰几许,竹影入画来。步入前厅,如同进入一幅山水画卷中,设计师汲取了竹林的青翠,以绿野仙踪大理石接待台营造自然秘境的氛围。大面积的金属色背景墙将静谧内敛