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Call for paper (IF 10.9):截止2025年11月30日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-07 17:58


Quantitative Research in Tourism – Theoretical and Methodological Innovations This virtual special issue (VSI) therefore aims to advance quantitative tourism research through both theoretical and methodological innovations. It seeks to advocate for cutting-edge methodologies that enhance the rigour of quantitative tourism research and contribute to the development of relevant theories. The application of advanced methods from diverse disciplines, and their potential integration, is anticipated to address economic, behavioural, operational, and management research questions within the tourism domain. Topics of interest for this VSI include, but are not limited to: Recent advancements in quantitative research methods Behavioural economics and its applications New developments in interdisciplinary methodologies Causality analysis/tests Causal machine learning approaches Quantitative methods in theory development Natural and quasi-natural experiments Quantitative methods for policy evalu ………………………………

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