【抽奖赠票】 在本篇推送下【留言】参与抽奖 我们将抽取 2 位乐迷朋友 分别赠出门票各一张! (演出城市:澳门) 獨奏協奏,對話之樂 STRINGS LIVE VOL.01 三位分別來自日本、韓國及中國澳門 風格迥異的結他手 AKI x JUN MAK x JONGHYUN 8月25日晚上,就在澳門 bookand 三位結他手將為你帶來 琴弦間的音樂會 音樂會上,他們 不僅會展現風格獨特的個人音樂作品 更有兩兩合作,乃至三人同台的合奏 將結他魅力釋放到極致 Three distinguished guitarists from Japan, South Korea, and Macau will take the stage together to bring you an exceptional musical performance. A remarkable music concert will be held on the evening of August 25th, featuring three guitar players with distinct styles. They will individually interpret their stories through the sounds of their guitars, and will also collaborate to showcase the captivating charm of guitar music. Artists 演出者 - Aki