Good News! Recently, 3 sets of cold boxes of the Huajin Air Separation EPC Project, undertaken by CNCEC-TCC as the general contractor, were successfully lifted and installed. This achievement marks a major breakthrough in the installation of large-scale equipment and signifies that the project has entered the installation phase, laying a solid foundation for the orderly progress of subsequent construction. 近日,中国化学天辰公司总承包的华锦空分项目顺利完成三套冷箱的吊装工作。作为项目关键节点之一,本次冷箱吊装就位标志着项目在大型设备安装上取得了重大突破,项目建设全面进入安装阶段,为后续施工计划有序开展奠定了坚实基础。 冷箱作为空分装置的核心部件,是项目现场整体起吊中最大、最高、最重的设备,其吊装工作难度大、技术要求高。本次以2000吨级履带式起重机为主吊,600吨履带吊车溜尾辅吊,采用“单主机抬吊、辅吊