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【北京大学·大学堂】Gene expression regulation by RNA methylation

北大化学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-21 19:17


报告摘要 Over 150 types of post-transcriptional RNA modifications have been identified in all kingdoms of life. We have discovered RNA demethylation and shown that reversible RNA modification could impact a wide range of biological processes. We have also characterized proteins that selectively recognize m6A-modified mRNA and affect the translation status and lifetime of the target RNA. I will present our recent discoveries on chromatin state regulation by chromatin-associated regulatory RNA (carRNA) methylation. We found that carRNAs contain different chemical marks which facilitate recruitment of chromatin factors to shape local and global chromatin state. Some of these carRNA methylation-dependent pathways explain oncogenic roles of well-known oncogenes, which provides potential new targets for future anti-cancer therapies. 报告人简介   何川   美国艺术与科学院院士,芝加哥大学John T. Wilson讲席教授,霍华德休斯医学研究所研究员,2023年 ………………………………

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