网上有个段子:选专业、选对象、选外卖,是人生中最需要认真做选择的三件事。 尤其是选专业,影响之深远,常常另无数职场打工人午夜梦回、捶胸顿足:假如当年换个专业,现在的我会不会更快乐? 其实不止我们,老外其实也常常为专业这个问题发愁。 In a recent survey of job seekers by the job-search platform ZipRecruiter, 44% of respondents with college degrees said they regretted choosing their major — with English, communications, sociology, and marketing management falling under the most regretted majors. 在求职平台ZipRecruiter最近对求职者进行的一项调查中,44%的大学毕业生表示他们后悔选择了自己的专业,其中英语、传播学、社会学和市场营销管理被列为最后悔的专业。 Within each field, the survey found, the highest-paid respondents were more likely to be happy about their college-major choice. 调查发现,在每个领域