You look so familiar Can there ever be another great le Carré novel? John le Carré’s son has written a bold new thriller in the vein of the great spy writer’s chronicles Karla’s Choic e . By Nick Harkaway. Viking; 320 pages; $30 and £22 Characters do not die with their creators. Some live on in bold new guises in modern spin-offs and mash-ups. Over the past two decades, authors have brought Shakespeare’s protagonists and Jane Austen’s heroines into the 21st century in a range of inventive “retellings”. Another sort of resurrection can come in the form of a continuation novel. Literary estates commission authors they regard as a safe pair of (typing) hands to breathe new life into a franchise and further the adventures of much-loved characters. Some writers have risen to the challenge more than once. Sophie Hannah has five whodunnits featuring Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot. Anthony Horowitz wrote two Sherlock Holmes novels, and Sebastian Faulks has produced a breez