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“四海为学”著作讨论会预告 | Book Discussion: “The Chinese Pleasure Book”

政治学评介  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-16 09:30


“四海为学”著作讨论会系列预告 讲座信息 题目: The Chinese Pleasure Book 时间: 4 月 18 日(周四) 9:00 (北京时间 ) 线上平台: Zoom会议号: 81719242749 作者: Michael Nylan, University of California, Berkeley 戴梅可,伯克利历史系教授 主持人: Luyao Li, Nanyang Technological University 与谈 人: Robin Wang, Loyola Marymount University Kathleen Higgins, University of Texas at Austin Trenton Wilson, Princeton University Inquiries : sihaiweixue@hotmail.com Check out more events at https://www.sihaiweixue.org/calendar “Collaborative Learning 四海为学” is organized by the Center for Intercultural Learning, Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University. 内容简介 This book takes up one of the most important themes in Chinese thought: the relation of pleasurable activities to bodily health and to the health of the body politic. Unlike Western theories of pleasure, early Chinese writings contrast pleasure ………………………………

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