专栏名称: E药经理人
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BioVerse 19:专家共话肥胖药物研发趋势

E药经理人  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2025-03-10 19:50


Why  should you attend? · Over 1 billion people would be obese by 2030, making obesity a ~ $150 billion market opportunity. · Gain exclusive perspectives from from no.1 wall-street analyst, a veteran obesity biotech founder, and an obesity intelligence expert. · Hear the insights into the key catalysts and debates about the key trends in this space, ranging from marketed products to emerging targets. · Learn about the hot topics tailored for professionals in the pharmaceutical, investment, consulting, and research industries. Who should attend? · Professionals in pharma and biotech, including business development executives, licensing managers, R leaders, and corporate strategists. · Investors, venture capitalists, M analysts, and deal advisors. · Academic researchers involved in cross-border biotech collaborations. · Industry professionals interested in leverage Asian biotech innovations. Event details 主题: BioVerse Episode 19 - The Current Trends in Obesity Drug Devel ………………………………

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