智能化浪潮席卷全球,深刻塑造着人类的生活方式。在万物互联的新纪元,激光雷达,作为机器感知世界的重要工具,犹如人类的眼睛,在复杂多变的环境中发挥重要作用,成为连接物理世界与数字世界的桥梁。 The global wave of digitization is spreading worldwide, drastically changing lives. Lidar, similar to the human eye, is a sensor capable of detecting the precise location of objects, playing a pivotal role in navigating complex environments. In the modern era, lidar connects the physical world with the digital realm. 禾赛科技(Nasdaq: HSAI)是全球领先的激光雷达研发与制造企业,产品广泛应用于支持高级辅助驾驶系统(ADAS)的乘用车和商用车、自动驾驶汽车,以及无人配送车、AGV 等各类智能机器人应用。 INGROUP作为禾赛特邀设计团队,应邀设计禾赛科技位于其Maxwell全球研发智造中心的展厅。 Hesai Technology (Nasdaq: HSA