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联合国  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2022-06-18 09:29
打击仇恨言论国际日今天是联合国确立的全球首个“打击仇恨言论国际日(International Day for Countering Hate Speech)”。仇恨言论是指“因为个人或群体的身份(即他们的宗教、族裔、国籍、种族、肤色、血统、性别或其他身份因素)而攻击他们或对他们使用贬损或歧视性语言的任何言论、文字或行为交流”。点此展开打击仇恨言论国际日—联合国秘书长古特雷斯致辞(中英双语)Hate speech incites violence, undermines diversity and social cohesion, and threatens the common values and principles that bind us together.  仇恨言论煽动暴力,破坏多样性和社会凝聚力,威胁到将我们联系在一起的共同价值观和原则。It promotes racism, xenophobia and misogyny; it dehumanizes individuals and communities; and it has a serious impact on our efforts to promote peace and security, human rights, and sustainable development.仇恨言 ………………………………

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