近日,奥运会男子跳高决赛,美国选手谢尔比·麦克尤恩(Shelby McEwen)和新西兰选手哈米什·科尔(Hamish Kerr)由于最终成绩均为2米36,按照规定可共享金牌。然而选手拒绝共享金牌,选择加赛。 在加赛中,两人挑战2米38、2米36均失败,最终新西兰选手越过2米24取得金牌,美国选手获得银牌。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. How does the author view the criticism McEwen received on social media? A) The author agrees with the criticism. B) The author believes the criticism is valid but exaggerated. C) The author finds the criticism unreasonable and misguided. D) The author is indifferent to the criticism. 2. According to the article, what is the author's opinion on athletes accepting a tie in individual sports? A) It is a smart strategy. B) It should be avoided. C) It depends on the circumstances. D) It is a common practice. 无注 释原文: Should Shelby McEwen have shared