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九言 | 不是你的光照在了我身上,而是我本来就有光。

读书有范  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-09 06:00


这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』  8.9 谁给你带来最多的平静,谁就应该得到你最多的时间。 Whoever brings you the most peace should have the most time for you. 人最绝望一点的就是:了解自己,但还是无法做出改变。 The most despairing thing about a person is knowing oneself, but still unable to make a change. 种下想法,就得到行动;种下行动,就得到习惯;种下习惯,就得到人格;种下人格,就得到命运。 Planting ideas leads to action; Planting actions leads to habits; Planting habits leads to personality; Planting personality leads to destiny. 能够对抗消极的不是积极,而是专注;能够对抗焦虑的不是安慰,而是具体。 What can counter negativity is not positivity, but focus; What can combat anxiety is not comfort, but specificity. 一切都比你自己所期待的,还要好一点点。 Everything is a little better than you expected. 总是试图理解他人的人,更 ………………………………

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