你知道吗, 数理化学不好这可能是一种病, 而且还能治! 10月8日,由上海儿童医学中心心理卫生团队与上海交通大学心理学院联合设立的“空间与数学学习困难门诊”,迎来了首日开诊。 根据官方发布的“门诊介绍”,该门诊每周二上午开放, 为在数学、物理、化学等学科上感到困难,有空间感知、视觉空间障碍或计算障碍,以及数学、物理等学科焦虑的学生提供服务 。 目前该门诊团队人员共4位。 The outpatient service of " spatial and mathematics learning difficulty" at the Shanghai Children's Medical Center officially opened on Tuesday, which primarily serves students who experience learning difficulties in mathematics, physics and chemistry, as well as those with spatial perception issues, visual-spatial disorders or calculation difficulties. outpatient /ˈaʊtpeɪʃnt/ n. 门诊病人, 不住院病人 spatial /ˈspeɪʃl/ adj. 空间的;