专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
据统计,考研英语文章90%来自国外的《The Economist》,《Times》,《Science》等杂志。本地持续更新。。。
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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-04-08 06:01
Wake up, get up, and level up.今日签到打卡句:When the world says “Give up”, hope whispers, “Try it one more time.”Why are our brains so big?The reason why some primates have bigger brains than others is often said to be their social behaviour. That is, primates that move around in bigger and more complex social groups require bigger brains in order to efficiently manage all of those social relations. This theory has been around for over two decades, and is called "the social brain hypothesis".primates   [praɪ'meɪti:z]decade   [ˈdɛkˌed, dɛˈked]vicennial   [vaɪ'senɪrl]centenary   [senˈtenəri]hypothesis   [haɪˈpɑ:θəsɪs]灵长类动物lemur   狐猴baboon   狒狒gibbon   长臂猿ape   猿monkey   猴pongo   类人猿orangutan   猩猩loris   懒猴音频来源:Joanna______ ………………………………

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