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AK-112 vs Keytruda,PFS阳性,梳理分析逻辑线

药怪站住  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-09 07:41




文|小药怪 仅梳理分析逻辑线,提供建立独立思考方法学。 WCLC2024| 康方依沃西单抗 vs K药一线治疗PD-L1+NSCLC的三期试验数据 2024CSCO非小细胞指南 2024NCCNv5非小细胞肺癌指南 Keynote一线NSCLC系列III期 & 可乐一线NSCLC III期分析 Keynote-024:TPS≥50% III期 keytruda 单药III期 ( Pembrolizumab versus Chemotherapy for PD-L1–Positive Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer Published November 10, 2016  N Engl J Med 2016;375:1823-1833  D OI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1606774 ) Methods In this open-label, phase 3 trial, we randomly assigned 305 patients who had previously untreated advanced NSCLC with PD-L1 expression on at least 50% of tumor cells and no sensitizing mutation of the epidermal growth factor receptor gene or translocation of the anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene to receive either pembrolizumab (at a fixed dose of 200 mg every 3 weeks) or the investigator’s choice of platinum-based chemotherapy. Crossover from the chemotherapy gr ………………………………

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