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医学领域的黑马期刊都在关注什么内容?请看The Innovation Medicine

小白学统计  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-15 16:50


The Innovation已取得了IF=33的令人瞩目的成绩,新创刊物 The Innovation Medicine同样由一批 对医学科研有热情的 年轻人创办,力争对标四大医学主刊。 欢迎各位老师将自己的高质量稿件投稿。有了 The Innovation的成绩在前,相信 The Innovation Medicine绝不会让人失望! 下面是 The Innovation Medicine第一卷第三期的内容。 Volume 1 Issue 3 2023年12月14日 The Innovation Medicine 第一卷第三期正式出版 On the cover Caring for Eye Health, Appreciating the Beauty of the Eyes -The cover of this issue explores the evolution of eye health over time, showcasing the diversity and resilience of human vision. The cover artistically presents the eyes of different ages, symbolizing the journey from youth to old. Each eye is accompanied by a vivid depiction of its unique perspective, highlighting how vision shapes our perception of the world's rich landscapes. As we age and our mindset changes, our perception of ………………………………

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