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Intellectual Property: "Invisible Wings" of Economic Development

国家知识产权局  · 公众号  · 知识产权  · 2017-12-14 13:28


Recently, World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) released the "World Intellectual Property Report 2017: Intangible Capital in Global Value Chains". The report shows, intangible capital accounted, on average, for 30.4 percent of the total value of manufactured goods sold throughout 2000-2014, and this amount reached USD 5.9 trillion in 2014. "This underscores the growing role of intellectual property, which is frequently used to protect intangible and related assets in the worldwide economy." WIPO Director General Francis Gurry noted that, intellectual property is the means by which companies secure the competitive advantage flowing from their intangible capital. The report analyzes case studies on coffee, solar panels and smart phones, which welcomed the better development in recent years, and China performs well in all fields. The report shows, China's position in ………………………………

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