专栏名称: 财会知微堂
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财会知微堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-25 10:59


点击蓝字 关注我们 01 原文: Daniels D P, Dannals J E, Lys T Z, et al. Do Investors Value Workforce Gender Diversity?[J]. Organization Science, 2024. Do Investors Value Workforce Gender Diversity? ABSTRACT:  We examine whether investors value workforce gender diversity. Consistent with the view that investors believe workforce gender diversity can be valuable in major firms, we use event studies to demonstrate that U.S. technology firms and financial firms experience more positive stock price reactions when it is revealed that they have relatively higher (versus lower) workforce gender diversity numbers. For instance, we find that Google’s revelation of relatively low workforce gender diversity numbers triggered a negative stock price reaction, whereas eBay’s revelation of relatively high workforce gender diversity numbers triggered a positive stock price reaction. These stock price reactions are both economically and statistically significant; for example, we estimate t ………………………………

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